January 31, 2024

8×1000 Projects Dedicated to Charity

The diocesan Caritas has among its mandates to be at the service of parishes to support them in the design and implementation of charity projects aimed at growing communities, with special attention to the most vulnerable people. The funds come from the 8×1000 for charity and are made available by the Diocese of Trieste. To request a contribution, it is necessary to present a project which, if chosen, will be funded and can be implemented starting from March 2024 for a maximum of 9 months. The support that diocesan Caritas provides to those who want to present an initiative aims to grow the community on the theme of the testimony of charity.
In evaluating, supporting, and financing projects, diocesan Caritas, considering the pastoral choices of the Diocese, will particularly take into account some qualifying elements:
  • community impact (the proposed projects and initiatives must be able to activate the community, avoiding self-referentiality),
  • involvement of young people in the community,
  • participation of the poor (people in difficulty always have resources to activate, so the proposed activities should favor the emergence and enhancement of the capacities of the weak, as well as their needs),
  • telling experiences (in designing actions, it will be necessary to already think about how to make them known, perhaps involving some subject capable of dedicating attention to this aspect).
THE 2024 PROPOSAL With the aim of ensuring as widespread dissemination of information as possible and reaching the highest number of parishes possible, diocesan Caritas has chosen to present the call and propose training and accompaniment moments. In addition to being an opportunity to give some more technical details on the content of the call and participation methods, these meetings also want to be a first occasion to gather and share possible ideas on which the various realities will then have time to work.
TIMELINE To ensure a design in line with the timelines of the CEI and thus foresee that projects can be realized during 2024, the following timelines have been provided:
  • By January 29: send an email expressing interest in joining the proposal
  • By March 1st: presentation and submission of project forms to diocesan Caritas
  • By mid-March: discussion with diocesan Caritas, evaluation, and approval of projects
  • By March 2024: disbursement of 70% of the contribution allocated to the project
  • From March 1st to November 30, 2024: project implementation
  • By December 15, 2024: submission of the report and justifications for the expenses incurred using the provided forms
  • By January 31, 2025: disbursement of the final 30% of the contribution
HOW TO SUBMIT A PROJECT To submit a project, simply fill out the downloadable forms below and send them complete with a signature to the email address promozione@caritastrieste.it or hand them in at the diocesan Caritas office at Via Cavana 16 by the deadline of March 1. For more details on the call, see the "General Conditions" where you will find the submission and reporting methods.
NEED HELP? For more information or to request the support of Caritas in the design, you can contact us via email or phone to schedule an appointment.
PROJECT REPORTING DOCUMENTS Below are the files to be used for reporting the submitted projects. File no.1 "Reporting Form" must be filled out and signed by the parish priest and is intended to describe the progress of the project. File no.2 "List of Justifications" is to be used to produce the reporting documentation.
GOOD BEGETS GOOD: TELLING CHARITY We have chosen to dedicate special attention to the theme of communication and to accompany the various realities that have benefited from the 8×1000 funds with a training path dedicated to storytelling. We believe that beautiful things should be shared because the experience of a territory can become an opportunity for inspiration or comparison for everyone. In addition to this "inside" storytelling path, we have chosen to document some of the projects by following them in their journey for an "outside" storytelling. Here are the videos, available to anyone who wants to use them to involve their community or to discover what is happening in our territory.
  • Phone: 040.3185491 / 348.7982875
  • Email: promozione@caritastrieste.it