What does Diocesan Caritas Trieste do

The action of Diocesan Caritas Trieste revolves around and for the person, addressing those experiencing difficulty with the aim of ensuring rights, dignity, and concrete solutions.
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Change is built through collaboration

The effectiveness of the actions, services, and projects of Diocesan Caritas Trieste is made possible also thanks to collaboration with the parishes of Trieste, the Diocesan Caritas organizations of the region, local institutions, provincial and regional public administration, and public entities active in the territory.
Thanks to the partnerships and synergies built over the years, the pastoral organism of the city works side by side with local secular and religious actors to address social challenges and promote concrete support for the most vulnerable, creating a positive and lasting impact for the entire community.
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Partnerships and Collaborations with the Territory

The synergy between Diocesan Caritas Trieste, public entities, institutions, and actors active in the territory is a winning relationship that works for the good of the city and all its inhabitants. It is from this positive blend of skills, resources, and support networks that the foundations are laid for building a bridge towards a better, fairer, and more inclusive future, and for a more cohesive and supportive community.
Caritas Diocesana Trieste


Caritas Diocesana TriesteCaritas Diocesana TriesteCaritas Diocesana TriesteCaritas Diocesana TriesteCaritas Diocesana Trieste