January 17, 2024

The Good Samaritan Workshop: the next meeting

The Good Samaritan Workshop aimed at parish groups involved in charity work continues. The next meeting will take place on Monday, January 22nd, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Episcopal Seminary, Via Besenghi 16.
As part of the workshop, a pathway for building projects dedicated to charity will be presented, with the aim of meeting the need to foster community growth, paying attention and care to the most vulnerable individuals. As the Diocesan Caritas, we will be at the service of the Parishes to support the conception and realization of these activities.
For any information, you can contact us at the email addresses promozione@caritastrieste.it and verapellegrino@caritastrieste.it or at the phone numbers 3298006830 (Anna Rita) and 3395219806 (Sonia). If transportation is an issue, we are available to provide a ride.