June 24, 2024

“I’m Looking For…”, reflections on migration

From June 19 to 30, the Regional Archaeological Museum of the Pelagie Islands hosts the exhibition project "I'm looking for..." by Adriana Torregrossa, promoted and curated by the Cultural Association Cizerouno. The exhibition explores the phenomenon of migrations from a new perspective, focusing on the experience of relatives who venture out in search of their dispersed family members, through the portraits of nine "seekers" who guide visitors on an extremely emotional journey.
In order to deepen and promote understanding of the phenomenon, Caritas Diocesana Trieste partnered with Caritas Diocesana of Agrigento in organizing a series of collateral events, under the auspices of the Municipality of Lampedusa, the "Valley of the Temples" Park, the Historical Archive of Lampedusa, and the Archaeological Museum of the Pelagie Islands.
Here is the schedule:
  • June 19, inauguration of the exhibition with the workshop "Identity in Motion," aimed at young people to reflect on the journey as a metaphor for personal growth.
  • June 20, performance by Nigerian artist Chris Obehi at Piazza Castello, on the occasion of World Refugee Day.
  • June 21, meeting with two participants in the Living Library "Migrant Identities," dedicated to sharing and discussing their experiences within the Historical Archive of Lampedusa.
  • June 22, roundtable discussion in Piazza Castello, titled "In the face of the other," with the participation of the national director of Caritas Italiana, a representative of the Waldensian Church in Lampedusa, the Bishop of Agrigento, and the mayor of Lampedusa.
The project symbolizes a metaphorical meeting point between the Balkan route and the Mediterranean route, outlining a space for reflection and dialogue dedicated to the complexity of the migratory phenomenon.

Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Caritas Diocesana Trieste