July 3, 2024

Caritas Diocesana Trieste at the 50th Edition of the Social Weeks

Today marks the opening of the 50th edition of the Social Weeks of Catholics in Italy, an event aiming to explore the paths leading "To the Heart of Democracy". This journey to "participate between history and progress" involves sharing the present and envisioning the future through moments of dialogue and exchange, intending to ignite the spark of shared civic and social participation.
Inaugurated today by President Mattarella, the event is also open to the city and its residents, offering a series of activities, meetings, and events focused on the "Laboratories of Participation", the "Villages of Good Practices" with over 100 stands from businesses, social cooperatives, and third-sector entities, and the "Squares of Democracy", hosting more than 50 speakers and witnesses.
The event will conclude with a Mass celebrated by the Holy Father Francis on Sunday, July 7, in Piazza Unità d’Italia.
Caritas Diocesana Trieste will participate in the event with “Right to Work, Right to Study, Right to the Future”, a participatory research that will conclude at the plenary sessions with the delegates, and with Cantiere Carcere, present in Piazza del Ponterosso with a dedicated stand and a rich program of activities.
Right to Work, Right to Study, Right to the Future
On July 4, at 11:00 AM, the co-researchers who have been working on the participatory research “Right to Work, Right to Study, Right to the Future” in recent months will meet. The group includes volunteer citizens and people currently in a difficult employment situation, balanced between men and women, with a prevalence of workers: together, they will discuss the main themes that emerged from interviews conducted in Trieste and by the Caritas organizations of Pordenone, Trento, Verona, and Vittorio Veneto.
The identified theme is the right to work, from the perspectives of those who cannot find it, the working poor, and those with vulnerabilities that allow access only to certain types of employment paths – all in light of recent studies, highlighting an ongoing change where work does not always succeed as a tool to escape poverty or plan for the future, acting as a means for the construction of the common good and self-realization.
The research aims to analyze the perception of the knowledge of the right to work to discover if it is indeed recognized as such and how it can be demanded if necessary.
July 5
11:00 AM – Casa della Musica
"Everyone in the Game. For an Inclusive Democracy"
As part of the Good Practices, inclusion will be discussed. Participants will include the Prison Workshop of the Diocese of Trieste, Il Tulipano Social Cooperative, Zio Pino Baskin Udine A.S.D., and Acli of Rome.
July 6
10:30 AM – Revoltella Museum
"Building Democracy Among Peoples Through Development Cooperation"

Organized by FOCSIV and ACCRI, the event will feature several speakers, including Marco Aliotta from Caritas Diocesana Trieste, with a talk titled "Right to Food and the Fight Against Waste from Global to Local."
5:30 PM – Piazza del Ponterosso
"Citizenship: Migrations and Rights in Today's Italy"

The conversation, moderated by Andrea Stocchiero, will involve the Director of Caritas Diocesana Trieste, Father Giovanni La Manna, Abdoulaye Mbodj, and Roberta Altin.
Cantiere Carcere
Cantiere Carcere is a tool designed and implemented to care for people experiencing incarceration. Launched in July 2023 at the proposal of Mons. Enrico Trevisi, Bishop of Trieste, the project brings together many city, ecclesiastical, and secular realities under its umbrella, providing concrete support through the organization of cultural, sports, training, and proximity activities.
Faithful to its objectives of raising awareness on prison issues, organizing shared spaces and moments of participation to build a shared language, and facilitating the reintegration of prison inmates, Cantiere Carcere will animate the stand in Piazza del Ponterosso with representatives from some of the 18 entities that make this important tool possible in the territory.
Wednesday, July 3

8:00 PM
The Cantiere Carcere at the Social Week Interview with project participants by CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia and Caritas Diocesana Trieste.
Thursday, July 4
12:00 PM
School of Freedom

Presentation of the project by Regional Conference Volunteering Justice and Cultural Center Veritas ETS, to promote knowledge of the prison world through the words of those who experience it firsthand and overcome stereotypes and commonplaces that pollute information and reflection on the subject.
3:00 PM
In-depth meeting dedicated to the Trieste correctional facility, organized by Cultural Center Veritas ETS with Father Luciano Larivera.
6:00 PM
Inside Diary

Screening by the San Vincenzo de’ Paoli Association and UAP – Unione Arti Performative APS. The video cites the texts of a book they produced on prisons and some pages from "Changing Inside/Building Outside", published by CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia, which collects texts made by the inmates of the Trieste correctional facility during creative writing workshops.
8:00 PM
Interview with Don Stefano Stimamiglio, director of Famiglia Cristiana.

By CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia and Caritas Diocesana Trieste.
Friday, July 5
1:00 PM
School of Freedom

Presentation of the project by Regional Conference Volunteering Justice and Cultural Center Veritas ETS, to promote knowledge of the prison world through the words of those who experience it firsthand and overcome stereotypes and commonplaces that pollute information and reflection on the subject.
2:00 PM
Inside Diary

Screening by the San Vincenzo de’ Paoli Association and UAP – Unione Arti Performative APS. The video cites the texts of a book they produced on prisons and some pages from "Changing Inside/Building Outside", published by CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia, which collects texts made by the inmates of the Trieste correctional facility during creative writing workshops.
4:00 PM
Interview with Father Silvio Alaimo, chaplain of the “E. Mari” Correctional Facility. By Cultural Center Veritas ETS.
5:00 PM
Reading workshop for children and parents organized by Centro Salute Bambino CSB Onlus - Nati per Leggere within the framework of the “Progetto Coroneo”, supporting parenthood in prison.
8:00 PM
Interview with Massimo Cirri, historical radio host of Caterpillar.

By CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia and Caritas Diocesana Trieste.
Saturday, July 6
10:00 AM
Photography workshop with Andrea Vicenzi.

By Caritas Diocesana Trieste.
12:00 PM
Article 27 of the Constitution

Dialogue with psychiatrist Renzo Bonn on the theme of prison, from the constitution to the present day. By the Community of Sant’Egidio.
2:00 PM
Training in Prison: the Bakery Workshop at Coroneo

Dialogue with psychologist and trainer Andrea Chittaro. By the Community of Sant’Egidio.
3:00 PM
Inside Diary

Screening by the San Vincenzo de’ Paoli Association and UAP – Unione Arti Performative APS. The video cites the texts of a book they produced on prisons and some pages from "Changing Inside/Building Outside", published by CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia, which collects texts made by the inmates of the Trieste correctional facility during creative writing workshops.
5:00 PM
Reading workshop for children and parents organized by Centro Salute Bambino CSB Onlus - Nati per Leggere within the framework of the “Progetto Coroneo”, supporting parenthood in prison.
8:00 PM
Interview with Mario Novello, psychiatrist and vice president of the Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia.

By CoPerSamm – Permanent Conference for Mental Health in the World Franco Basaglia and Caritas Diocesana Trieste.