June 17, 2024

Style is (also) the message

The new communication plan of Caritas Diocesan Trieste was presented this morning at the Episcopal Curia. Present at the event were Bishop Mons. Enrico Trevisi, Director Father Giovanni La Manna, and Rosy Russo, founder of SpazioUau, the company that handled the restyling.
“What we are presenting this morning is not just a website, but a style of communication, which is also a message: the Church's desire to build proximity with everyone through Caritas, to promote a collaborative dialogue with everyone in an effort to involve everyone in a journey of true fraternity, aware that the problems are often quite complicated. The important thing is to initiate processes in the right direction to promote the dignity of the person, especially those who are most defenseless, fragile, and alone,” said Mons. Enrico Trevisi, Bishop of Trieste, while presenting the new website of Caritas Diocesan Trieste (www.caritastrieste.it), online from this morning, completely renewed in functionality and style, which is indeed also a message: becoming closer by putting people at the center. This is one of the many steps taken in the renewal process that the pastoral organization in Trieste has initiated to amplify its action of caring for people, also through images and words. From the restyling of the logo to the definition of the "tone of voice," from the development of the social media management plan to the creation of the new website, the project is inspired by the mission of Caritas Diocesan Trieste and has made people the heart of all action and the new communication, both online and offline.
“Communication is fundamental for us,” said Father Giovanni La Manna, Director of Caritas Diocesan Trieste, “because it says who we are and who we want to be, namely a welcoming home for those who arrive, but also a bridge to unite all people of good will willing to work together to build the future. Through the new website and social profiles, we want to speak to everyone and with everyone and also account for what Caritas does with the resources that come from outside.”
The faces and voices—narrated and explored in photo galleries, quotes, and stories—of operators, volunteers, donors, collaborators, partners, and especially of all those who have received or are receiving support through the services and structures provided, become the protagonists of a heartfelt and shared commitment that has a single interest: the well-being of the person. With a style made of listening, attention, collaboration, passion, but also professionalism, creativity, the ability to look far and imagine a new world, a future that has yet to be realized. Behind the 13,810 people supported and helped in 2023, behind the 106,224 meals distributed by the Refectory in the same year, there is indeed a dream of fraternity that Caritas tries to build every day with concrete actions: declining words like “dignity,” “freedom,” “responsibility” into choices, actions, and projects; denouncing the wounded humanity that is often overlooked; welcoming the shattered lives that risk passing us by without involving us; promoting through volunteerism a style of proximity and sharing that alone can generate change; urging institutions and all people of good will to do their part.
Acting as a bridge capable of overcoming every obstacle, every wall, every separation. This is also the purpose of the integrated communication plan developed together with SpazioUau, a consulting company specialized in communication, marketing, and digital development, and presented this morning in the presence of the Bishop: to speak to everyone and with everyone, to seek what unites us, to unite to solve, so that no one is left behind.