Listening Area
Caritas Diocesana Trieste is a network of listening and support with various contact points to welcome those in need with understanding, services, and competence.
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Caritas Diocesana Trieste
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
– Sir Winston Churchill

Stories of hope and people
Behind the numbers, data, and services are the stories of people who have found or brought hope thanks to Caritas Diocesana Trieste.
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
The story of
Anna, 55 years old
Born and raised in Trieste
My husband passed away suddenly. A heart attack, there was nothing to be done: one moment we were sitting at dinner talking about our plans for the weekend, the next he was gone, and I found myself alone, with a daughter far away for work and a life to rebuild.
The loss was so devastating that the pain overwhelmed me, and I couldn't accept the loss. The weight of this new loneliness, the sadness... everything turned into a battle that I seemed destined to lose.
In a moment of despair, I decided to confide and talk to the priest of my parish, which I have attended since I got married and moved to this part of the city. It was he who, after listening to me, suggested that I turn to the Caritas Listening Center to find the support I needed and could not afford on my own.
Here I met Maria, who welcomed me with great understanding, kindness, and utmost professionalism. During our sessions, she helped me process the grief, find ways to cope with the pain, and rebuild the balance I had lost. I can't say I have fully accepted what happened, but it is certainly thanks to her support, her discreet and kind presence, that I am learning to manage my emotions and see a brighter future.
Caritas Diocesana Trieste
The story of
Maria, 48 years old
Volunteer psychotherapist at the Diocesan Listening Center
I have been a volunteer for many years now, and I couldn’t imagine my weeks without the hours I manage to carve out for the people who come to the Diocesan Listening Center. Maybe it's because I believe that mental well-being is fundamental in the recovery and support process for those in need, maybe it's because many people in Trieste need this kind of service, but I never questioned it because, for me, it was the right thing to do.
Anna is one of the many people I have had the opportunity to help. When she came to my door, she was visibly distressed by the loss of her husband, a truly terrible story that had left her in a state of deep pain and confusion. It was the priest of her parish who advised her to seek us out for psychological support in a safe, non-judgmental, and free space.
Anna trusted and relied on me, starting a long and arduous journey towards rebuilding her balance and a new life. Seeing her gradually blossom confirmed once again how essential the solidarity network that Caritas builds within the Triestine community is, to ensure the well-being of all. The road is still long, for Anna as well as for our city, but I have no doubt that the direction we are moving in is the right one.
Talk to us
Caritas Diocesana Trieste is here to listen and offer you support.
If you need help, information about our services, or simply want to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Caritas Diocesana Trieste